Our Plans
Each of our clients start the design process in a different place. Some come to us with only a list of needs which we use to design their plan from scratch. Others already have a plan chosen that they have fallen in love with. Some clients come to us after looking over thousands of plans feeling completely lost. Our goal with this page is to show you what is possible with our design process. We respect our clients’ privacy, and very few of them wish to have their individual plans or photos available online. That does limit what we can all share, so over time we intend to create brand new layouts specifically to be added here. As our clients’ designs always come first in our limited calendar time, it may take some time for us to fill this gallery. For this page, we try to keep all our plans, materials and colors similar, strictly to give the renderings a cohecive feel. Our clients’ plans are usually drafted in their personal material and color selections.
*Please note that our staff has invested a lot of time in these designs. They are the property of Blackrock, and we will enforce our copyright if you choose to use them without our written permission. They are intended only to be used as a starting point in the design process and the specific demonstration purposes of Blackrock Homes and Commercial.